Thursday, October 31, 2019

Benefits of Risk Management, Risk Management Frameworks Assignment

Benefits of Risk Management, Risk Management Frameworks - Assignment Example Importance of Risk Management Risk Management is extremely crucial because it helps the decision-making process regarding viability and competitiveness between organizations. It also helps in the creation of value which is the main factor to manage the business better in global markets when all organizations have equal access to available resources because then business processes to congregate on international standards. Operational efficiency can be increased by having plans for risk management already in place because it enables a business to do more for less. This means putting aside resources from regular expenditures in making strategic investments which will support company goals. A large percentage of the budget is spent on keeping the business running. Progressive organizations must have contingency plans to develop and expand resource deployment and implementation which will spare resources to concentrate on risk management strategies. (Mes 2010). Benefits of Risk Management Risk is always associated with insecurity and improbabilities with the possibility of things not turning out as expected. The benefits of risk management are that the organization is fully prepared for such eventualities and has a mechanism in place to handle risks and minimize losses. It is not possible to totally eliminate all risks, so good risk management develops awareness of risks when times are good, and perpetuates regulations and self-control during crises (Raz and Michael 2001). The benefits of risk management can be both long and short term. Accordingly, each stage of risk management efforts beginning from risk identification and evaluation and formulating alleviation or improvement strategies has its own benefits (Miller 1992). Question 2: Compare and contrast Management of Risk with another risk management framework (such as that offered in chapter 7 of Project Management by Larson and Gray), highlighting the similarities and differences between them.  

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Backscatter X-Ray Essay Example for Free

The Backscatter X-Ray Essay The backscatter X-ray is the right choice when compared to traditional X-rays or metal detectors. On December 27, 2006, the author, Thomas Frank,whom is the aviation security correspondant for USA Today, wrote, X-ray Tests Both Security, Privacy, and made valid points concerning the fear of radiation, how easily it finds metal guns and knives, and the provacy issue that surrounds X-ray technology (5). Throughout this essay Thomas Frank was able to write about the facts surrounding X-rays and keep hs opinion out of the article therefore giving his readers the chance to form their own belief. This essay was written to analyze which belief to choose. Should the public be against the backscatter X-ray because of radiation exposure or is safety against terrorists the better option? The fear of over-exposure to radiation is laughable at best. Its like being out in the sun for 15 to 20 minutes (5). Being out in the sun can in reality be a good thing. Through sunlight the body absorbs vitamin D which is needed for strong bones and teeth. Everyone gets sun exposure on an everyday basis. Its not a bad thing to have a little sun. Take people whom use artificial light to tan. A waiver must be signed before exposing the body to the light. This waiver states that skin cancer may occur with use; eye damage is possible with exposure. Tanners sign this form without another thought because artificial light is the same as being out in the sun. A waiver is not availabe for people to sign at the airport. Why is this? Is it because radiation damage is higher with artificial light thereby being higher with sunlight versus the backscatter X-ray? If so, should the public stay inside their house and avoid sunlight at all cost? They are foolproof when it comes to finding metal guns and metal knives (6). Clark Kent Ervin whom is the former Homeland Security Department inspector said during the interview. He stated, screeners repeatedly missed hidden weapons (6). If screeners are missing hidden weapons wouldnt the obvious choice be to use the backscatter X-ray? Isnt the publics safety more important? Our airport security has already been compromised once with September 11 . If there is anything that can prevent that from happening again then it should be done. Our safety is top priority. Backscatter X-rays dont show anything on the body deemed indecent. It only shows whats carried on the body. People really need to understand that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is putting in place technologythat does in fact do a digital strip search and stores those images at least temporarily, said Marc Rotenberg of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (5). Temporarily is the key. Whom cares about a picture being taken as long as its temporary? Its not as if the image is going to be stored forever and displayed worldwide. The TSA, however, says the images are cartoonlike sketches that show only outlines of each passenger and are never stored (5). The images arent stored so the public doesnt need to worry about the images being released. Cartoonlike sketches means that its not even a real human body. It doesnt look like a person at all. Its just an outline that looks cartoonlike at that. Theres nothing wrong with cartoons. I grew up watching them as a child as did many others. $100,000 backscatter machine finds many weapons missed by screeners and metal detectors (6). Finding weapons as soon as possible can be the difference between life and death. A machine that finds weapons more often than not should be used in place of a machine that is likely to miss. Although the backscatter X-ray is not going to catch everything that it scans it will make it harder for terrorists to sneak weapons on a plane. The object is not to prevent everything that can conceivably happen, he said, the object is to make it difficult (6). The fact claim the author is making is supported by the examples given in the article. Some examples include quotes from Marc Rotenberg and Frank Cerra. The warrant that connects the fact claim and support are digital strip search (5) and being out in thesun for 15 to 20 minutes (5). It seems these details were said to persuade the interviewer and readers of this article. Someone would need 2,500 backscatter scans a year before reaching the limits of safe radiation exposure (5). These guidelines are provided by the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements so therefore even frequent flyers will be protected from over-exposure to radiation. In closing, the authors fact claim of backscatter X-ry versus regular X-ray and metal detectors have been clearly stated. He went into detail giving both sides concerning radiation, worth, and privacy. Overall the essay was an effective argument that gave information from both sides equally. With public safety a concern the conflicts that arise concerning this matter should be of no importance. The public has a right to be protected no matter what it takes.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Complement Serum Activity by Lysing Sheep Erythrocytes

Complement Serum Activity by Lysing Sheep Erythrocytes Introduction The Immune system is a series of complex processes which has evolved to protect the body from attack by foreign pathogens. These pathogens are able to enter our body through the skin or lining of the internal organs. The immune system is able to protect us from intracellular and extracellular organisms as well as from ourselves, stopping malignancies and autoimmune diseases from spreading in our bodies (Bastian, 1993). There are two lines of defence, the adaptive (specific) and innate (non-specific immunity), though both are united in their goal to destroy pathogens they have different ways to tackle this. Innate immunity is the 1st line of defence while adaptive immunity is the 2nds line and thus takes longer to act (Clancy, 1998). The complement system is part of the immune system and can be bought into action by the adaptive system if required. Complement is a group of proteins working together within the immune system; once stimulated by one of many triggers, proteases begin to c leave protein in the system, bringing a cascade of enzyme reactions in order to fight off foreign pathogens and activate the inflammatory response. Within the complement cascade there are many proteins that play a role but C3 is a protein critical to the effector functions of the system (Abbas, 1994). There are many paths for immune mediated lysis and the one we will be looking at is intravascular haemolyse and occurs when the complement has been triggered through the classical pathway. When the antibody binds to the antigen on the surface of the erythrocyte, a complement component triggers the membrane attack complex to form pores in the cell membrane resulting in cell lysis (Chapel, 1990). The intensity and speed at which cells lyse is dependent upon the rate at which the complement cascades to enable complete cell lysis. Experiments like these are able to provide us with an understanding of how the complement immune system functions. It can also increase our understanding of autoimmunity and perhaps lead to ways in which the effects of immunity can be prolonged or inhibited according to the disease. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease, in which complement is analysed, as getting SLE is dependent upon the gene which is responsible for producing MHC, a component used in haemolysis (American, 1993), patients with other immunological disorders can require their complement activity to be monitored and thus this assay would be able to show how efficiently the complement component of the immune system is working to defend their bodies. Aims To determine complement serum activity by lysing sheep erythrocytes To determine the volume of complement required for 50% lysis. Materials 20 Cuvettes 1.0ml 20 test tube plastic disposable Automatic pipette 200-1000 ÂÂ µl 6 tips Automatic pipette 0-200 ÂÂ µl 6 tips Water bath at 37Â °C Spectrophotometer Test tube rack Centrifuge Ice bucket Ice Method Wash 4ml of erythrocyte suspension three times with barbitone saline solution. Prepare a 6% stock solution of erythrocytes In one test tube mix 3.0ml of sheep anti-erythrocyte antiserum, diluted 1/50 3.0ml of the 6% SRBC Mix and gently by capping and inverting several times Incubate at 37Â °C for 15min in the water bath, mix every 5min. Set up the test tubes on ice in duplicates and label Add the reagents in order as shown in table 1 below Incubate the tubes for 60 minutes at 37Â °C mixing gently every 15minutes Place the tubes on ice and then centrifuge at 200g for 10 minutes at 4Â °C Remove the samples and put into cuvettes and read the absorbance at 541nm, with ammonia solution as blank record the results in a table. Results Discussion When carrying out the experiment raw data was recorded, and presented in table 1. However the results obtained during the practical were not used as the erythrocytes lysed before complement was added and therefore complement activity could not be observed as adding complement to lysed cells is not able to produce results, therefore the ideal data provided was used and analysed. From table 1 it is clear that absorbance levels increased as serum volume increased, this is due to the fact that as volumes of complement increase more red blood cells are lysed which in turn allows haemoglobin to be let out, this is of a dark colour and as more cells are lyses the darker the resulting sample will be, and so the absorbance as read the spectrophotometer will increase. After the guinea pig serum has been mixed with the sensitised erythrocytes, it produces anti-body coated cells with complement attaching to the antibody, and activating this attracts the MAC molecules to take action and lyse the cell (Kuby, 1994). Following the pattern seen in table one table 3 shows a progressive % lysis of cells as the volume of serum is increased, however for the 100% lysis an ammonia buffer was used to ensure that all cells are lysed during the experiment. Further to this graph 1 produced a sigmoid curve, from which it was possible to estimate CH50. However calculating the 50% lysis from this graph is not very accurate. Thus a log graph 2 was constructed, with the use of van Krogh equation to determine the actual value of 50% lysis. The equation was provided by the lecturer. Van Krogh equation: x= k[ y ]1/n 100-y Where: x= amount of complement (ml of undiluted serum) y= proportion of cells lysed k=50% unit of compliment n=inclination of graph (ideally 0.2) This resulted in table 4 giving a volume of 133.5 CH50/ml. However when calculating CH50 the x values were all in the negative. Moreover, it was not possible to compare data sets obtained against ideal data as the experiment did not yield results due to lysis of erythrocytes before complement was added. This could have occurred due to improper pipetting, handling or transporting of the cells as shaking them too much could have lysed them due to shock, as the cells were sensitized and thus prone to quick lysis. Further to this it was reported by Inglis, et al, 2007, that the use of erythrocytes from different sheep can yield inaccurate results and thus produce different CH50. Although there are many inaccuracies present within the experiment, it also gives scope to further improve the method as well as explore other area of the subject at hand such as factors which affect the performance of complement like temperature or PH. This assay is a good way to measure the activity of the immu ne system within patients, such as patients with LSE as mentioned earlier, other patients with low immunity can also be tested to see how the complement system is or isnt aiding their recovery, thus steps can be taken by medical professionals to either boost or monitor the progress of the patients immunity as fundamentally the immune system is required to work at its optimum to keep humans and animals from dying of disease(Inglis,et al, 2007). Conclusion Overall this experiment has shown how complement is important in aiding white blood cells to lyse foreign bodies. Though in the experiment carried out the blood cells lysed before complement was added the method was presented and the ideal set of data, showed what results should have been obtained. Also the hypothesis that as the complement concentration increases so will the absorbance proved positive.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Use Of The Word Love :: essays research papers

Six months after I met a young man, he expressed to me how much he loved me. Being sixteen years old, I thought it to be very flattering but I could not accept him saying this to me. The word, love in the romantic sense, is something that would take so much out of me to say to a person. Love is something that you express to someone that you can not, in any way, see living your life without. The last time I saw the young man who supposedly loved me, was on my seventeenth birthday when he told me I was a waste of his time. Love is the strongest emotion and most powerful word anyone can say to someone else. Some people use the word love everyday as though it is not as big of a deal as it really is. Jewel's song, "Always," illustrates a definition of love. The first line of the song totally defines love in the same way I do with, "Please don't say 'I love you,' those words touch me much too deeply." With this one line, my entire definition of love is presented. There are other things people can love: a pet, family members, certain kinds of food but these are all loved by a different kind of love. There are millions of ways you can love, but this kind of love does not happen all the time to a person. It is the kind of love that is not there at the beginning, but grows inside you. This kind of love is for another person that you can not see your life without, even though at one time it was without that person. To express this to someone is to propose to commit your life to that other person. The other person may not feel the same way and that is why it is hard to accept someone saying that. One expressing their love to another is the greatest compliment one could ever receive for they are wanted in someone else's life forever.There are some people that do not understand the meaning of love and use it all the time as though it was just some word that makes people happy. The young man who told me he loved me also told me a month later that I was a waste of his time. He is an example of someone using the word just to make others or even himself happy.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mental Health and the Prison System

Who are the victims of mental health and how they are treated within the legal and prison system? Mental health or mental illness, base on the question, ‘is concern with illnesses of the mind, or with treating illnesses of the mind.’ (Longman, p.890) These illnesses, which affect the mind, create hallucinations that can lead the people who suffer from them to cause harm to the innocent people who fall victim to them. According to the Longman dictionary, the word ‘victim’ refers to ‘someone who has been attacked, robbed or murdered’. (Longman, p.1593) It can also refer to someone who suffers because they are affected by an illness. In January 1999, a young woman was pushed from behind, in front of a New York City subway train, to her death. Her murderer was a mentally ill patient who had refused to consume his medication. This young woman’s name was Kendra Webdale and the Kendra’s law was named after her. She was considered a victim of mental health. There are many other cases who were fall victim to these illnesses. Due to their mental illnesses, many people questioned whether these ‘criminals’ should be charged and face the consequences or should they be treated in the hospital for the mentally ill under strict control and supervision. They are being view as the victims of the mental health for the reason that they are not in their ‘right’ minds to judge. This occurs because they are suffering from the illness affecting their mind. Looking from the patients’ point of view, they are undergoing a lot of stress due to their conditions as they have fears that they are not accepted by the family, friends and society. With the stress they are undergoing, they might not be able to face the fact and would not want to take their medication. This had led to intervention of the legal system to control the situation. According to Kendra’s Law, a procedure has to be followed for obtaining court orders for certain individuals with mental illness to receive and accept assisted outpatient treatment (AOT). (Office of Mental Health, 2006) The mentally ill individual who can qualify for AOT must be at least 18 years old and shows a sign of being incapable of surviving on his own. In view of the concern that the patient may do serious harm to others in the society, an AOT is more likely to benefit him. The request for AOT can be done by the parent, spouse, sibling, director of a hospital, licensed psychologist or a probation officer. However, there are some lawyers who contest that the law will only serve to violate the patient’s process protection. In addition, many wonder if the implementation of this law is strong enough to force a person to take medication. There is always the possibility of the patient having tried to seek treatment but failed. As such, the government should not simply laws to force the taking of medication but for the state to provide medication as well. In the case of the prison system, there has been a significant increase in the number of inmates who are found to be severely mentally ill. Despite the increase in the number of inmates, the medical treatment necessary for this group of inmate did not increase. Moreover, the staff handling them are not properly trained and thus, many of these inmates are being victimized in the prison cells due to their disorganized speech and behaviour. Their inability to communicate well with others may in turn antagonize their officers or fellow inmates. In conclusion, the victims of mental health do not necessarily refer to only the ones suffering from the illness but those who are indirectly affected as well. The patients should be given proper and better treatment and the society should also be educated on how these patients need to be treated in order to survive in the society. Bibliography 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Harold E. Shabo. 2001. Social Costs: Criminal Justice and Mental Health System Gaps which Contribute to the Criminalization of Mentally Disordered Persons. California. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Longman. 1999. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English: International Students Edition. Pearson Education Limited. Spain. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Office of Mental Health. 2006. An Explanation of Kendra’s Law. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   About: Mental Health. 2006. Forced Mental Treatment has a Place. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mental Health Services. 2006. Bureau of Mental Health Services.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Slack Bus And Slack Generator Engineering Essay

The Table below shows input informations of each busbar in the system used to work out the power flow and the simulation consequence harmonizing to direction described in inquiry 1.BusInput Data[ Simulation Result ] BUS 1 plutonium P ( burden ) 100 MW Q ( burden ) 0 Mvar BUS 2 P ( burden ) 200 MW Q ( burden ) 100 Mvar CB of Generation Open BUS 3 1 plutonium P ( Gen ) 200 MW P ( burden ) 100 MW Q ( burden ) 50 Mvar AVR On AGC OffSlack coach and slack generatorIn power flow computation, alone numerical solution can non be calculated without mention electromotive force magnitude and angle due to unequal figure of unknown variables and independent equations. The slack coach is the mention coach where its electromotive force is considered to be fixed voltage magnitude and angle ( 1a? 0A ° ) , so that the assorted electromotive force angle difference among the coachs can be calculated regard. In add-on, the slack generator supplies as much existent power and reactive power as needed for equilibrating the power flow sing power coevals, load demand and losingss in the system while maintain the electromotive force changeless as 1a? 0A ° . In existent power system, when comparatively weak system is linked to the larger system via a individual coach, this coach can stand for the big system with an tantamount generator maintaining the electromotive force changeless and bring forthing any necessary power like sla ck coach. [ 1 ]Bus type ( PQ coach or PV coach )BusBus typeRemarksBUS 2 PQ Bus Generator is disconnected to Bus 2 BUS 3 PV Bus Generator is connected to Bus 3 and the magnitude of electromotive force of generator support invariable by utilizing AVR In general, each coach in the power system can be categorized into three coach types such as Slack Bus, Load ( PQ ) Bus, and Voltage Controlled ( PV ) Bus. The definition and difference between PQ Bus and PV Bus are described as follows ; [ 2 ] PV Bus ( Generator Bus or Voltage Controlled Bus ) : It is a coach at which the magnitude of the coach electromotive force is kept changeless by the generator. Even though the coach has several generators and burden, if any generators connected to the coach modulate the coach electromotive force with AVR, so this coach is referred to PV Bus. For PV coach, the magnitude of the coach electromotive force and existent power supplied to the system are specified, and reactive power and angle of the coach electromotive force are consequently determined. If a preset upper limit and minimal reactive power bound is reached, the reactive end product of the generator remains at the limited values, so the coach can be considered as PQ Bus alternatively of PV Bus. [ 2 ] PQ Bus ( Load Bus ) : It is a coach at which the electromotive force is changed depending on entire net existent power and reactive power of tonss and generators without electromotive force regulator. Therefore, in the power simulation and computation, the existent power and reactive power of the tonss are specified as input informations and consequently the electromotive force ( magnitude and angle ) is calculated based on the above input. The following table specifies input and end product of each coach type in the power system simulation and computation. Bus Type Phosphorus Q ( Magnitude ) I? ( Angle ) PQ Bus Input signal Input signal End product End product PV Bus Input signal End product Input signal End product Slack Bus End product End product Input signal Input signalSystem BalanceEntire Generation & A ; Load DemandBusReal Power ( MW )Fanciful Power ( Mvar )CoevalsLoadCoevalsLoadBUS 1 204.093 100 56.240 0 BUS 2 0 200 0 100 BUS 3 200 100 107.404 50 Entire 404.093 400 163.644 150DifferencePgen – Pdemand = 4.093Qgen – Qstored in burden = 13.644Reason: Real power loss due to opposition of transmittal line and fanciful power storage due to reactance of transmittal line are the grounds for the difference between power coevals and load demand in the system.P ( Losses ) & A ; Q ( Storage ) over the transmittal lineBusReal Power ( MW )Fanciful Power ( Mvar )SendingReceivingLosingssSendingReceivingStoredBUS 1 – Bus 2 102.714 100.650 2.064 56.653 49.773 6.88 BUS 1 – Bus 3 1.379 1.378 0.001 0.4141 ) 0.4131 ) 0.001 BUS 3 – Bus 2 101.378 99.350 2.028 56.990 50.227 6.763 Entire Palestine liberation organizations =4.093Qstored in burden =13.6441 ) Imaginary power flows from Bus 3 to Bus 1. The summing up of existent power losingss and fanciful power storage over the transmittal line are precisely same with entire difference between coevals and burden. Therefore, it is verified that the difference is shown over the transmittal line. ‘Kirchoff ‘ balance as each coach [ 4 ] Bus1 I? P1 = + Pgen1 – Pload1 – P12 – P13 = 204.093 – 100 – 102.714 – 1.379 = 0 I? Q1 = + Qgen1 – Qload1 – Q12 – Q13 = 56.24 – 0 – 56.653 + 0.413 = 0 Bus2 I? P2 = + Pgen2 – Pload2 – P21 – P23 = 0 – 200 + 100.65 + 99.35 = 0 I? Q2 = + Qgen2 – Qload2 – Q21 – Q23 = 0 – 100 + 49.773 + 50.227 = 0 BUS3 I? P3 = + Pgen3 – Pload3 – P31 – P32 = 200 – 100 + 1.378 – 101.378 = 0 I? Q3 = + Qgen3 – Qload3 – Q31 – Q32 = 107.404 – 50 – 0.414 – 56.99 = 0 Harmonizing to the computation supra, as summing up of incoming & A ; surpassing existent power and fanciful power at each coach become zero, it is verified that each busbar obeys a ‘Kirchoff ‘ balance. In add-on, the entire power system is wholly balanced, because entire coevals power ( existent & A ; fanciful ) are equal to summing up of entire load demand and existent power loss & A ; stored fanciful power over the transmittal ( i.e. Pgen – Pdemand = Plosses, Qgen – Qstored in burden = Q stored in system ) as shown above.Voltage Angle and Angle DifferenceAs a consequence of the Powerworld, the electromotive force angle and angle difference are shown in the tabular array below.BusVoltage AngleVoltage Angle DifferenceBUS1 I?1 = 0.00A ° BUS1- BUS2 I?1 – I?2 = 0.00A ° – ( -2.5662A ° ) = 2.5662A ° BUS2 I?2 = -2.5662A ° BUS2- BUS3 I?2 – I?3 = -2.5662A ° – ( -0.043A ° ) = -2.5232A ° BUS3 I?3 = -0.043A ° BUS3- BUS1 I?3 – I?1 = -0.043A ° – 0.00A ° = -0.043A °Power System Analysis -1The tabular array below summarizes coevals and electromotive force angle fluctuation at each coach as coevals at Bus 3 varies from 0 MW to 450 MW by 50MW.Simulation Consequences and ObservationP3 = 0 MW P3 = 50 MW P3 = 100 MW P3 = 150 MW P3 = 250 MW P3 = 300 MW P3 = 350 MW P3 = 400 MW P3 = 450 MW Reactive Power Generation at Bus 3: It is found that reactive power coevals Q3 ( gen ) lessening while existent power coevals P3 ( gen ) addition because Bus 3 as a PV Bus regulates the changeless coach electromotive force magnitude by commanding excitement of the coevals through the AVR. Power Generation at Bus 1: It is found that P1 ( gen ) decreases and Q1 ( gen ) increases at the same time, while P3 ( gen ) additions and Q3 ( gen ) lessening. As the entire load demand in the system keeps changeless ( i.e. Ptotal ( burden ) = 400 MW, Qtotal ( burden ) = 150Mvar ) , any necessary existent power and reactive power for the system balance demand to be supplied by generator ( loose generator ) at Bus 1. Therefore, power coevals P1 ( gen ) and Q1 ( gen ) at Bus 1 alteration reversely compared to power coevals alteration at Bus 3. Voltage Angle Difference: In general, existent power flow is influenced by electromotive force angle difference between directing coach and having coach harmonizing to PR = . Therefore, it is observed that every bit existent power coevals P3 ( gen ) increases existent power flow from Bus 3 to Bus2 addition, consequently voltage angle difference ( I?3 – I?2 ) between Bus 3 and Bus 2 additions. However, lessening in existent power from Bus 1 to Bus 2 due to increase of P3 ( gen ) consequence in lessening of electromotive force angle difference ( I?1 – I?2 ) . In add-on, Real power between Bus 1 and Bus 3 flows from Bus 1 to Bus 3 until P3 ( gen ) range to 200 MW and as P3 ( gen ) addition more than 200 MW the existent power flows from Bus 3 to Bus 1. So, it is besides observed that electromotive force angle difference ( I?3 – I?1 ) is negative angle when P3 ( gen ) is less than 200MW and the difference addition while P3 ( gen ) addition.Power System Analysis -2The tabular array below summarizes the fluctuation of power coevals and electromotive force angle difference at each coach when the burden demand at Bus 3 varies by 50MW and 25Mvar.Simulation Consequences and ObservationP2 = 0 MW Q2 = 0 MW P2 = 50 MW Q2 = 25 MW P2 = 100 MW Q2 = 50 MW P2 = 150 MW Q2 = 75 MW P2 = 250 MW Q2 = 125 MW P2 = 300 MW Q2 = 150 MW P2 = 350 MW Q2 = 175 MW P2 = 400 MW Q2 = 200 MW P2 = 450 MW Q2 = 225 MW Power Generation at Bus 1 and Bus 3: It is observed that as the entire load demand in the system increases due to increase of load demand P2 ( burden ) & A ; Q2 ( burden ) at Bus 2, any necessary existent power for the system balance is supplied by generator ( loose generator ) at Bus 1 sing changeless P3 ( gen ) , so P1 ( gen ) increases. In add-on, any necessary reactive power for the system balance is supplied from Bus 1 every bit good as Bus 3, so both Q1 ( gen ) and Q3 ( gen ) addition. Voltage Angle Difference: It is found that existent power flow addition both from Bus 1 to Bus 2 and from Bus 3 to Bus 2 due to increase of load demand at Bus2. Consequently, both electromotive force angle difference I?1 – I?2 and I?3 – I?2 addition when the power flow P12 and P32 addition. In add-on, when P2 ( burden ) is less than 200 MW, P1gen is comparatively low. Therefore existent power between Bus 3 and Bus 1 flows from Bus 3 to Bus 1 at lower P2 ( burden ) ( less than 200MW ) . On the other manus, while P2 ( burden ) addition more than 200 MW, the existent power flow way alterations ( Bus 1 to Bus 3 ) and the existent power flow additions. Consequently, the electromotive force angle difference I?1 – I?3 alteration from negative to positive and addition. Voltage Magnitude at Bus 2: It is observed that magnitude of coach electromotive force at Bus2 beads due to increase of the load demand at Bus 2.Question 2System Model & A ; Admittance MatrixIn order to build the entree matrix of Powerworld B3 instance, individual stage tantamount circuit can be drawn as below ;omega = R + jx ( r = 0, x = 0.05 )z12 = z21= j0.05 plutonium, y12 = 1/ z12 = 1/j0.05 = -j20 plutonium = y12 z13 = z31= j0.05 plutonium, y13 = 1/ z13 = 1/j0.05 = -j20 plutonium = y31 z23 = z32= j0.05 plutonium, y23 = 1/ z23 = 1/j0.05 = -j20 plutonium = y32 Admittance matrix can be defined as follows ; BUS = Diagonal elements Y ( I, I ) of the entree matrix, called as the self-admittance [ talk slide ] [ 6 ] , are the summing up of all entree connected with BUS I. = y12 + y13 = -j20 – j20 = -j40 plutonium = y21 + y23 = -j20 – j20 = -j40 plutonium = y31 + y32 = -j20 – j20 = -j40 plutonium Off diagonal elements Y ( I, J ) of the entree matrix, called as the common entree [ talk slide ] [ 6 ] , are negative entree between BUS I and BUS J. = – y12 = – ( -j20 ) = j20 plutonium = – y13 = – ( -j20 ) = j20 plutonium = – y21 = – ( -j20 ) = j20 plutonium = – y23 = – ( -j20 ) = j20 plutonium = – y31 = – ( -j20 ) = j20 plutonium = – y32 = – ( -j20 ) = j20 plutonium Therefore, the concluding entree matrix BUS is ; BUS = = The undermentioned figure shows the BUS of the Powerworld B3 instance and it is verified that the deliberate entree matrix is consistent with the consequence of the Powerworld.Power Flow CalculationNodal equation with the entree matrix can be used to cipher electromotive force at each coach if we know all the current ( i.e. entire coevals power and load demand at each BUS ) and eventually the power flow can be calculated consequently. , hence, In this inquiry, nevertheless, simulation consequences of the electromotive force at each coach from the Powerworld are used for the power flow computation as follows ; [ Simulation consequence ]Voltage at each Bus and Voltage DifferenceV1 = 1 a? 0.00A ° plutonium ( BUS1 ) V2 = 1 a? -0.48A ° plutonium ( BUS2 ) V3 = 1 a? 0.48A ° plutonium ( BUS 3 )Voltage difference between BUS 1 and BUS 2V12 = V1 – V2 = 1 a? 0.00A ° – 1 a? -0.48A ° = 3.5 x 10-5 + J 8.38 ten 10-3 = 8.38 ten 10-3 a? 89.76A ° plutonium V21 = V2 – V1 = – V12 = – 3.5 ten 10-5 – J 8.38 ten 10-3 = 8.38 ten 10-3 a? -90.24A ° plutoniumVoltage difference between BUS 3 and BUS 2V32 = V3 – V2 = 1 a? 0.48A ° – 1 a? -0.48A ° = J 16.76 ten 10-3 = 16.76 ten 10-3 a? 90A ° plutonium V23 = V2 – V3 = – V32 = – J 16.76 ten 10-3 = -16,76 x 10-3 a? -90A ° plutoniumVoltage difference between BUS 3 and BUS 1V31 = V3 – V1 = 1 a? 0.48A ° – 1 a? 0.00A ° = – 3.5 ten 10-5 + J 8.38 ten 10-3 = 8.38 ten 10-3 a? 90.24A ° plutonium V13 = V1 – V3 = – V31 = 3.5 ten 10-5 – J 8.38 ten 10-3 = 8.38 ten 10-3 a? -89.76A ° plutoniumLine CurrentCurrent flow from BUS I and BUS J can be calculated by utilizing electromotive force difference and interrelated entree of the line between coachs. [ Iij = yij * ( Vi – Vj ) ]Line current between BUS 1 and BUS 2I12 = y12 x ( V1 – V2 ) = -j20 x 8.38 ten 10-3 a? 89.76A ° = 167.6 ten 10-3 a? -0.24A ° plutonium ( BUS 1 a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 2 ) I21 = y21 x ( V2 – V1 ) = -j20 x 8.38 ten 10-3 a? -90.24A ° = 167.6 ten 10-3 a? -180.24A ° plutonium ( BUS 2 a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 1 )Line current between BUS 3 and BUS 2I32 = y32 x ( V3 – V2 ) = -j20 x 16.76 ten 10-3 a? 90A ° = 335.2 ten 10-3 a? 0.00A ° plutonium ( BUS 3 a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 2 ) I23 = y23 x ( V2 – V3 ) = -j20 x 16.76 ten 10-3 a? -90A ° = 335.2 ten 10-3 a? 180A ° plutonium ( BUS 2 a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 3 )Line current between BUS 3 and BUS 1I31 = y31 x ( V3 – V1 ) = -j20 x 8.38 ten 10-3 a? 90.24A ° = 167.6 ten 10-3 a? 0.24A ° plutonium ( BUS 3 a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 1 ) I13 = y13 x ( V1 – V3 ) = -j20 x 8.38 ten 10-3 a? -89.76A ° = 167.6 ten 10-3 a? -179.76A ° plutonium ( BUS 1 a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 3 )Apparent Power FlowApparent flow from BUS I and BUS J can be calculated by electromotive force at the directing coach and line current. [ Sij = Vi * I*ij ]Apparent Power from BUS 1 to BUS 2S12 = V1* I*12 = 1 a? 0.00A ° ten 167.6 ten 10-3 a? 0.24A ° = 167.6 ten 10-3 a? 0.24A ° = 0.1676 + J 7.02 ten 10-4 plutoniumApparent Power from BUS 2 to BUS 1S21=V2* I*21=1a? -0.48A ° x 167.6 ten 10-3a? 180.24A °=167.6 ten 10-3a? 179.76A ° = -0.1676 + j7.02 x 10-4 plutoniumApparent Power from BUS 3 to BUS 2S32 = V3* I*32 = 1 a? 0.48A ° ten 335.2 ten 10-3 a? 0.00A ° = 335.2 ten 10-3 a? 0.48A ° = 0.3352 + J 2.81 ten 10-3 plutoniumApparent Power from BUS 2 to BUS 3S23=V2* I*23=1 a? -0.48A ° x 335.2 ten 10-3 a? 180A °= 335.2 ten 10-3 a? 179.76A ° = -0.3352 + J 2.81 ten 10-3 plutoniumApparent Power from BUS 3 to BUS 1S31 = V3* I*31 = 1a? 0.48A ° ten 167.6 ten 10-3a? -0.24A ° = 167.6 x 10-3 a? 0.24A ° = 0.1676 + J 7.02 ten 10-4 plutoniumApparent Power from BUS 1 to BUS 3S13=V1* I*13=1a? 0.00A ° x 167.6 ten 10-3a? 179.76A °= 167.6 ten 10-3a? 179.76A ° = -0.1676 + J 7.02 ten 10-4 plutoniumComparison with simulation consequencesThe unit of the above computation consequences is pu value, so in order to compare the consequences with simulation consequences pu value of current and power flow demand to be converted to existent values by utilizing the undermentioned equation sing Sbase = 100MVA and Vline_base = 345kV. [ 3 ] Sactual = Sbase A- Spu = 100 MVA A- Spu Iactual = Ibase A- Ipu = A- Ipu = A- Ipu = 167.3479 A A- IpuCalculation Result and Simulation ResultFlow way & A ; ValueCalculation ConsequenceSimulation ConsequenceBUS 1 a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 2|S12| 0.1676 A- 100 = 16.76 MVA 16.67 MVA P12 16.76 MW 16.67 MW Q12 0.0702 Mvar 0.07 Mvar |I12| 0.1676 A- 167.3479 = 28.0475 A 27.89 ABUS 3 a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 2|S32| 0.3352 A- 100 = 33.52 MVA 33.33 MVA P32 33.52 MW 33.33 MW Q32 0.281 Mvar 0.28 Mvar |I32| 0.3352 A- 167.3479 = 56.0950 A 55.78 ABUS 3 a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 1|S31| 0.1676 A- 100 = 16.76 MVA 16.67 MVA P31 16.76 MW 16.67 MW Q31 0.0702 Mvar 0.07 Mvar |I31| 0.1676 A- 167.3479 = 28.0475 A 27.89 ABUS 2 a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 1|S21| 0.1676 A- 100 = 16.76 MVA 16.67 MVA P21 -16.76 MW -16.67 MW Q21 0.0702 Mvar 0.07 Mvar |I21| 0.1676 A- 167.3479 = 28.0475 A 27.89 ABUS 2 a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 3|S23| 0.3352 A- 100 = 33.52 MVA 33.33 MVA P23 -33.52 MW -33.33 MW Q23 0.281 Mvar 0.28 Mvar |I23| 0.3352 A- 167.3479 = 56.0950 A 55.78 ABUS 1 a† Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ BUS 3|S13| 0.1676 A- 100 = 16.76 MVA 16.67 MVA P13 -16.76 MW -16.67 MW Q13 0.0702 Mvar 0.07 Mvar |I13| 0.1676 A- 167.3479 = 28.0475 A 27.89 A It is found that computation consequences of current flow and evident power flows ( i.e. 28.0475 A and 56.0950 A/ 33.52 MVA and 16.76MVA ) are about 0.5 % higher than simulation consequence ( i.e. 27.89 A and 55.78 A / 33.33 MVA and 16.67 MVA ) which can be considered somewhat different. Difference of the electromotive force angle at each coach between computation ( 0.48A ° ) and simulation ( 0.4775A ° ) could be the ground for this minor difference.Question 3Admittance Matrix and Nodal EquationEntree between two coachsy12 = y21 = -j8 plutonium y13 = y31 = -j4 plutonium y14 = y41 = -j2.5 plutonium y23 = y32 = -j4 plutonium y24 = y42 = -j5 plutonium y30 = -j0.8 plutonium ( BUS3-Neutral BUS ) y40 = -j0.8 plutonium ( BUS4-Neutral BUS )Admittance MatrixYbus ( Admittance Matrix ) = Diagonal elements Y ( I, I ) of the entree matrix, called as the self-admittance [ 2 ] [ 4 ] , are the summing up of all entree connected with BUS I. = y12 + y13 + y14 = -j8 -j4 – j2.5 = -j14.5 = y21 + y23 + y24 = -j8 -j4 – j5 = -j17 = y30 + y31 + y32 = -j08 -j4 – j4 = -j8.8 = y40 + y41 + y42 = -j0.8 -j2.5 – j5 = -j8.3 Off diagonal elements Y ( I, J ) of the entree matrix, called as the common entree [ 2 ] [ 4 ] , are negative entree between BUS I and BUS J. = – y12 = – ( -j8 ) = j8 plutonium = – y13 = – ( -j4 ) = j4 plutonium = – y14 = – ( -j2.5 ) = j2.5 plutonium = – y21 = – ( -j8 ) = j8 plutonium = – y23 = – ( -j4 ) = j4 plutonium = – y24 = – ( -j5 ) = j5 plutonium = – y31 = – ( -j4 ) = j4 plutonium = – y32 = – ( -j4 ) = j4 plutonium = – y34 = 0 plutonium = – y41 = – ( -j2.5 ) = j2.5 plutonium = – y42 = – ( -j5 ) = j5 plutonium = – y43 = 0 plutonium Therefore, entree matrix Ybus is as follows ;Ybus = =Power Flow AnalysisPower flow disregarding transmittal line electrical capacityNodal EquationCurrent from the impersonal coach to each coach are given and entree matrix ( Ybus ) is calculated above. Therefore, concluding nodal equation is as follows ; Ibus = Ybus * Vbus a†¡Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Vbus = Y-1bus * Ibus = Ybus a†¡Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ ==Voltage AnalysisVoltage at each coach can be derived from the equation ( Vbus = Y-1bus * Ibus ) and Matlab was used for calculate matrix division. ( Source codification is attached in Appendix-1 ) Vbus == V12 = 0.0034 + J 0.0031 plutonium V13 = -0.0277 – J 0.0257 plutonium V14 = 0.0336 + J 0.0311 plutonium V21 = -0.0034 – J 0.0031 plutonium V23 = -0.0311 – J 0.0288 plutonium V24 = 0.0302 + J 0.0280 plutonium V31 = 0.0277 + J 0.0257 plutonium V32 = 0.0311 + J 0.0288 plutonium V41 = -0.0336 – J 0.0311 plutonium V42 = -0.0302 – J 0.0280 plutoniumCurrent flow in the systemCurrent flow from BUS I and BUS J can be calculated by utilizing electromotive force difference and interrelated entree of the line between coachs. [ Iij = yij * ( Vi – Vj ) ] The computation consequence from Matlab is as follows ; I12 = 0.0249 – J 0.0269 plutonium I13 = -0.1026 + J 0.1108 plutonium I14 = 0.0777 – J 0.0840 plutonium I21 = -0.0249 + J 0.0269 plutonium I23 = -0.1151 + J 0.1243 plutonium I24 = 0.1399 – J 0.1511 I31 = 0.1026 – J 0.1108 plutonium I32 = 0.1151 – J 0.1243 plutonium I34 = 0 plutonium I41 = -0.0777 + J 0.0840 plutonium I42 = -0.1399 + J 0.1511 plutonium I43 = 0 plutoniumPower flow in the systemApparent flow from BUS I and BUS J can be calculated by electromotive force at the directing coach and line current. [ Sij ( plutonium ) = Vi * I*ij = Pij + jQij ] The computation consequence from Matlab is as follows ; S12 = 0.0311 + J 0.0175 plutonium S13 = -0.1283 – J 0.0723 plutonium S14 = 0.0972 + J 0.0548 plutonium S21 = -0.0311 – J 0.0174 plutonium S23 = -0.1438 – J 0.0803 plutonium S24 = 0.1749 + J 0.0977 plutonium S31 = 0.1283 + J 0.0780 plutonium S32 = 0.1438 + J 0.0875 plutonium S34 = 0 plutonium S41 = -0.0972 – J 0.0496 plutonium S42 = -0.1749 – J 0.0892 plutonium S44 = 0 plutoniumAdmittance Matrix sing transmittal line electrical capacityHarmonizing to the direction of the Question 3, power system theoretical account can be drawn by utilizing Iˆ tantamount circuit of the lines with capacitive shunt entree ( yc ) of 0.1 plutonium at each side as shown below.Admittance MatrixContrary to tantamount theoretical account in Question 3-1, the current flow through the capacitance in the transmittal line needs to be considered to happen the entree matrix. Therefore, sing the capacitances the current equation with Kirchhoff ‘s current jurisprudence at each coach is as follows ; [ 2 ] [ 5 ] Bus 1: I1 = I12 + I13 + I14 + Ic12 + Ic13 + Ic14 I1 = y12 ( V1-V2 ) + y13 ( V1-V3 ) + y14 ( V1-V4 ) + yc12V1 + yc13V1 + yc14V1 Bus 2: I2 = I21 + I23 + I24 + Ic21 + Ic23 + Ic24 I2 = y21 ( V2-V1 ) + y23 ( V2-V3 ) + y24 ( V2-V4 ) + yc21V2 + yc23V2 + yc24V2 Bus 3: I3 = I30 + I31 + I32 + Ic31 + Ic32 I3 = y30V3 + y31 ( V3-V1 ) + y32 ( V3-V2 ) + yc31V3 + yc32V3 Bus 4: I4 = I40 + I41 + I42 + Ic41 + Ic42 I4 = y40V4 + y41 ( V4-V1 ) + y42 ( V4-V2 ) + yc41V4 + yc42V4 Equation above can be rearranged to divide and group single merchandises by electromotive force. Bus 1: I1 = ( y12 + y13 + y14 + yc12 + yc13+ yc14 ) V1 – y12V2 – y13V3 – y14V4 = Y11V1 + Y12V2 + Y13V3 + Y14V4 Bus 2: I2 = ( y21 + y23 + y24 + yc21 + yc23+ yc24 ) V2- y21V1 – y23V3 – y24V4 = Y21V1 + Y22V2 + Y23V3 + Y24V4 Bus 3: I3 = ( y30 + y31 + y32 + yc31+ yc32 ) V3 – y31V1 – y32V2 = Y31V1 + Y32V2 + Y33V3 + Y34V4 Bus 4: I4 = ( y40 + y41 + y42 + yc41+ yc42 ) V4 – y41V1 – y42V2 = Y41V1 + Y42V2 + Y43V3 + Y44V4 Finally, Diagonal elements Y ( I, I ) and off diagonal elements Y ( I, J ) of the entree matrix are calculated as follows ; = y12 + y13 + y14 + yc12 + yc13+ yc14 = -j8 -j4 – j2.5 + j0.1 + j0.1 +0.1j = -j14.2 plutonium = y21 + y23 + y24 + yc21 + yc23+ yc24 = -j8 -j4 – j5 + j0.1 + j0.1 +0.1j = -j16.7 plutonium = y30 + y31 + y32 + yc31+ yc32 = -j08 -j4 – j4 + j0.1 +0.1j = -j8.6 plutonium = y40 + y41 + y42 + yc41+ yc42 = -j0.8 -j2.5 – j5 + j0.1 +0.1j = -j8.1 plutonium = – y12 = – ( -j8 ) = j8 plutonium = – y13 = – ( -j4 ) = j4 plutonium = – y14 = – ( -j2.5 ) = j2.5 plutonium = – y21 = – ( -j8 ) = j8 plutonium = – y23 = – ( -j4 ) = j4 plutonium = – y24 = – ( -j5 ) = j5 plutonium = – y31 = – ( -j4 ) = j4 plutonium = – y32 = – ( -j4 ) = j4 plutonium = – y34 = 0 plutonium = – y41 = – ( -j2.5 ) = j2.5 plutonium = – y42 = – ( -j5 ) = j5 plutonium = – y43 = 0 plutonium Therefore, entree matrix Ybus is as follows ;Ybus = =Annex-1: Matlab beginning codification and Calculation consequences with MatlabMatlab Source Code% define ego entree and common entree by utilizing admittace between % the coachs ( y12=y21=-j8, y13=y31=-j4, y14=y41=-j2.5, y23=y32=-j4, % y24=y42=-j5, y34=0, y43=0, y30=-j0.8, y40=-j0.8 y12=-8i ; y21=-8i ; y13=-4i ; y31=-4i ; y14=-2.5i ; y41=-2.5i ; y23=-4i ; y32=-4i ; y24=-5i ; y42=-5i ; y34=0 ; y43=0 ; y30=-0.8i ; y40=-0.8i ; Y11=-8i-4i-2.5i ; Y12=8i ; Y13=4i ; Y14=2.5i ; Y21=8i ; Y22=-8i-4i-5i ; Y23=4i ; Y24=5i ; Y31=4i ; Y32=4i ; Y33=-0.8i-4i-4i ; Y34=0 ; Y41=2.5i ; Y42=5i ; Y43=0 ; Y44=-5i-2.5i-0.8i ; % Bus 3 and Bus 4 is non connected, so admittance Y34 and Y43 are equal to zero % define the 4Ãâ€"4 entree matrix ( Ybus ) Ybus= [ Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14 ; Y21 Y22 Y23 Y24 ; Y31 Y32 Y33 Y34 ; Y41 Y42 Y43 Y44 ] ; % In order to specify the nodal equation ( I = Ybus*V ) , the given I needs to specify. i1=0 ; i2=0 ; i3=-i ; i4=-0.4808-0.4808i ; Ibus= [ i1 ; i2 ; i3 ; i4 ] ; % Each coach electromotive force can be calculated by utilizing matrix division ( V= YbusI ) Vbus=YbusIbus ; v1=Vbus ( 1,1 ) ; v2=Vbus ( 2,1 ) ; v3=Vbus ( 3,1 ) ; v4=Vbus ( 4,1 ) ; % Calculate electromotive force difference between coachs v12=v1-v2 ; v13=v1-v3 ; v14=v1-v4 ; v21=v2-v1 ; v23=v2-v3 ; v24=v2-v4 ; v31=v3-v1 ; v32=v3-v2 ; v34=v3-v4 ; v41=v4-v1 ; v42=v4-v2 ; v43=v4-v3 ; % current flow between coachs can be calculated by i12 = y12* ( v1-v2 ) i12=y12*v12 ; i13=y13*v13 ; i14=y14*v14 ; i21=y21*v21 ; i23=y23*v23 ; i24=y24*v24 ; i31=y31*v31 ; i32=y32*v32 ; i34=y34*v34 ; i41=y41*v41 ; i42=y42*v42 ; i43=y43*v43 ; % evident power can be calculated by s12 = v1 * conj ( i12 ) s12=v1*conj ( i12 ) ; s13=v1*conj ( i13 ) ; s14=v1*conj ( i14 ) ; s21=v2*conj ( i21 ) ; s23=v2*conj ( i23 ) ; s24=v2*conj ( i24 ) ; s31=v3*conj ( i31 ) ; s32=v3*conj ( i32 ) ; s34=v3*conj ( i34 ) ; s41=v4*conj ( i41 ) ; s42=v4*conj ( i42 ) ; s43=v4*conj ( i43 ) ; % Real power and Reactive power can be derived by following p12=real ( s12 ) ; p13=real ( s13 ) ; p14=real ( s14 ) ; q12=imag ( s12 ) ; q13=imag ( s13 ) ; q14=imag ( s14 ) ; p21=real ( s21 ) ; p23=real ( s23 ) ; p24=real ( s24 ) ; q21=imag ( s21 ) ; q23=imag ( s23 ) ; q24=imag ( s24 ) ; p31=real ( s31 ) ; p32=real ( s32 ) ; p34=real ( s34 ) ; q31=imag ( s31 ) ; q32=real ( s32 ) ; q34=imag ( s34 ) ; p41=real ( s41 ) ; p42=real ( s42 ) ; p43=real ( s43 ) ; q41=imag ( s41 ) ; q42=real ( s42 ) ; q43=imag ( s43 ) ; % terminalMatlab Calculation Results

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A History of Soviet and American Interests essays

A History of Soviet and American Interests essays In the system of international politics almost everything is strategic. Even the most basic analysis of international historical events can seem like decoding the rules to a complex board game. This is most evident when analyzing grand wars, such as WWI and WWII. Although states and state leaders may attempt to rewrite world order in the wake of such disruptive events, history has proven these efforts extraneous. It is highly argued, for example, that restructuring efforts following WWI only contributed to WWII. So why is it that the unplanned system following WWII lasted twice as long as the carefully planned efforts after the First World War? This period of history, formally known as the Cold War, is sometimes referred to as the Long Peace because despite four decades of hostility, the Cold War never manifested into direct military confrontation. According to John Lewis Gaddis, war was prevented as a result of the bipolar configuration of the international system at the time, geographical advantages, advanced technology, shifting ideologies, and game theory. In order to understand why the international system remained stable in the post-WWII world, it is necessary to understand Systems Theory. This theory provides the criteria for stable or unstable international configurations. In this way, stability is characterized by the structure of states and not their behavior, even though both play a role in stabilizing state relations. In systems theory, international politics can take on a bipolar or multipolar configuration. Bipolarity happens when two states dominate the international political system. Post- WWII settlements arbitrarily divided the sovereign nations that could have rivaled the U.S. or Soviet Union in population or economic might. This created an avenue for the domination of the American and Soviet spheres of inf luence the first true polarization in modern history was created (Gaddis 45). Unl...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Functions on SAT Math Linear, Quadratic, and Algebraic

Functions on SAT Math Linear, Quadratic, and Algebraic SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips SAT functions have the dubious honor of being one of the trickiest topics on the SAT math section. Luckily, this is not because function problems are inherently more difficult to solve than any other math problem, but because most students have simply not dealt with functions as much as they have other SAT math topics. This means that the difference between missing points on this seemingly tricky topic and acing them is simply a matter of practice and familiarization. And considering that function problems generally show up on average of three to four times per test, you will be able to pick up several more SAT math points once you know the rules and workings of functions. This will be your complete guide to SAT functions. We'll walk you through exactly what functions mean, how to use, manipulate, and identify them, and exactly what kind of function problems you'll see on the SAT. What Are Functions and How Do They Work? Functions are a way to describe the relationship between inputs and outputs, whether in graph form or equation form. It may help to think of functions like an assembly line or like a recipe- input eggs, butter, and flour, and the output is a cake. Most often you'll see functions written as $f(x) =$ an equation, wherein the equation can be as complex as a multivariable expression or as simple as an integer. Examples of functions: $f(x) = 6$ $f(x) = 5x − 12$ $f(x) = x^2 + 2x − 4$ Functions can always be graphed and different kinds of functions will produce different looking graphs. On a standard coordinate graph with axes of $x$ and $y$, the input of the graph will be the $x$ value and the output will be the $y$ value. Each input ($x$ value) can produce only one output, but one output can have multiple inputs. In other words, multiple inputs may produce the same output. One way to remember this is that you can have "many to one" (many inputs to one output), but NOT "one to many" (one input to many outputs). This means that a function graph can have potentially many $x$-intercepts, but only one $y$-intercept. (Why? Because when the input is $x=0$, there can only be one output, or $y$ value.) A function with multiple $x$-intercepts. You can always test whether a graph is a function graph using this understanding of inputs to outputs. If you use the "vertical line test," you can see when a graph is a function or not, as a function graph will NOT hit more than one point on any vertical line. No matter where we draw a vertical line on our function, it will only intersect with the graph a maximum of one time. The vertical line test applies to every type of function, no matter how "odd" looking. Even "strange-looking" functions will always pass the vertical line test. But any graph that fails the vertical line test (by intersecting with the vertical line more than once) is automatically NOT a function. This graph is NOT a function, as it fails the vertical line test. Too many obstacles in the way of the ascent works out as well for functions as it does for real life (which is to say: not well at all). Function Terms and Definitions Now that we've seen what functions do, let's talk about the pieces of a function. Functions are presented either by their equations, their tables, or by their graphs (called the "graph of the function"). Let's look at a sample function equation and break it down into its components. An example of a function: $f(x) = x^2 + 5$ $f$ is the name of the function (Note: we can call our function other names than $f$. This function is called $f$, but you may see functions written as $h(x)$, $g(x)$, $r(x)$, or anything else.) $(x)$ is the input (Note: in this case our input is called $x$, but we can call our input anything. $f(q)$ or $f(\strawberries)$ are both functions with the inputs of $q$ and strawberries, respectively.) $x^2 + 5$ gives us the output once we plug in the input value of $x$. An ordered pair is the coupling of a particular input with its output for any given function. So for the example function $f(x) = x^2 + 5$, with an input of 3, we can have an ordered pair of: $f(x) = x^2 + 5$ $f(3) = 3^2 + 5$ $f(3) = 9+5$ $f(3) = 14$ So our ordered pair is $(3, 14)$. Ordered pairs also act as coordinates, so we can use them to graph our function. Now that we understand our function ingredients, let's see how we can put them together. Different Types of Functions We saw before that functions can have all sorts of different equations for their output. Let's look at how these equations shape their corresponding graphs. Linear Functions A linear function makes a graph of a straight line. This means that, if you have a variable on the output side of the function, it cannot be raised to a power higher than 1. Why is this true? Because $x^2$ can give you a single output for two different inputs of $x$. Both $−3^2$ and $3^2$ equal 9, which means the graph cannot be a straight line. Examples of linear functions: $f(x) = x − 12$ $f(x) = 4$ $f(x) = 6x + 40$ Quadratic Functions A quadratic function makes a graph of a parabola, which means it is a graph that curves to open either up or down. It also means that our output variable will always be squared. The reason our variable must be squared (not cubed, not taken to the power of 1, etc.) is for the same reason that a linear function cannot be squared- because two input values can be squared to produce the same output. For example, remember that $3^2$ and $(−3)^2$ both equal 9. Thus we have two input values- a positive and a negative- that give us the same output value. This gives us our curve. (Note: a parabola cannot open side to side because it would have to cross the $y$-axis more than once. This, as we've already established, would mean it was not a function.) This is NOT a quadratic function, as it fails the vertical line test. A quadratic function is often written as: $f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c$ The $\bi a$ value tells us how the parabola is shaped and the direction in which it opens. A positive $\bi a$ gives us a parabola that opens upwards. A negative $\bi a$ gives us a parabola that opens downwards. A large $\bi a$ value gives us a skinny parabola. A small $\bi a$ value gives us a wide parabola. The $\bi b$ value tells us where the vertex of the parabola is, left or right of the origin. A positive $\bi b$ puts the vertex of the parabola left of the origin. A negative $\bi b$ puts the vertex of the parabola right of the origin. The $\bi c$ value gives us the $y$-intercept of the parabola. This is wherever the graph hits the $y$-axis (and will only ever be one point). (Note: when $b=0$, the $y$-intercept will also be the location of the vertex of the parabola.) Don't worry if this seems like a lot to memorize right now- with practice, understanding function problems and their components will become second nature. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! Typical Function Problems SAT function problems will always test you on whether or not you properly understand the relationship between inputs and outputs. These questions will generally fall into four question types: #1: Functions with given equations #2: Functions with graphs #3: Functions with tables #4: Nested functions There may be some overlap between the three categories, but these are the main themes you'll be tested on when it comes to functions. Let's look at some real SAT math examples of each type. Function Equations A function equation problem will give you a function in equation form and then ask you to use one or more inputs to find the output (or elements of the output). In order to find a particular output, we must plug in our given input for $x$ into our equation (the output). So if we want to find $f(2)$ for the equation $f(x) = x + 3$, we would plug in 2 for $x$. $f(x) = x + 3$ $f(2) = 2 + 3$ $f(2) = 5$ So, when our input $(x)$ is 2, our output $(y)$ is 5. Now let's look at a real SAT example of this type: $g(x)=ax^2+24$ For the function $g$ defined above, $a$ is a constant and $g(4)=8$. What is the value of $g(-4)$? A) 8 B) 0 C) -1 D) -8 We can start this problem by solving for the value of $a$. Since $g(4) = 8$, substituting 4 for $x$ and 8 for $g(x)$ gives us $8= a(4)^2 + 24 = 16a + 24$. Solving this equation gives us $a=-1$. Next, plug that value of $a$ into the function equation to get $g(x)=-x^2 +24$ To find $g(-4)$, we plug in -4 for $x$. From this we get $g(-4)=-(-4)^2 + 24$ $g(-4)= -16 + 24$ $g(-4)=8$ Our final answer is A, 8. Function Graphs A function graph question will provide you with an already graphed function and ask you any number of questions about it. These questions will generally ask you to identify specific elements of the graph or have you find the equation of the function from the graph. So long as you understand that $x$ is your input and that your equation is your output, $y$, then these types of questions will not be as tricky as they appear. The minimum value of a function corresponds to the $y$-coordinate of the point on the graph where it's lowest on the $y$-axis. Looking at the graph, we can see the function's lowest point on the $y$-axis occurs at $(-3,-2)$. Since we're looking for the value of $x$ when the function is at it's minimum, we need the x-coordinate, which is -3. So our final answer is B, -3. Function Tables The third way you may see a function is in its table. You will be given a table of values both for the input and the output and then asked to either find the equation of the function or the graph of the function. Oftentimes the best strategy for these types of questions is to plug in answers to make our lives simpler. This way, we don't have to actually find the equation on our own- we can simply test which answer choices match the inputs and outputs we are given in our table. Let's test the second ordered pair, $(3,13)$ with each answer option. For the correct answer, when we plug the $x$-value (3) into the equation, we'll end up with the correct $y$-value (13). A) $f(x) = 2(3) +3 = 9$. This equation is incorrect since 9 doesn't equal 13. B) $f(x) =3(3) +2 = 1$. This equation is also incorrect. C) $f(x) = 4(3) +1=13$. It's a match! This equation is correct so far. D) $f(x)= 5(3)= 15$. This equation is also incorrect. It looks like C is the correct answer choice, but let's plug the first and third ordered pairs in to make sure. For the first ordered pair $(1,5)$: $f(x) = 4(1) +1=5$ That's correct! For the third ordered pair $(5,21)$ $f(x) = 4(5) +1=21$ That's also correct! Our final answer is C, $f(x) = 4x +1$ Nested Functions The final type of function problem you might encounter on the SAT is called a "nested" function. Basically, this is an equation within an equation. In order to solve these types of questions, think of them in terms of your order of operations. You must always work from the inside out, so you must first find the output for your innermost function. Once you've found the output of your innermost function, you can use that result as the input of the outer function. Let's look at this in action to make more sense of this process. What is $f(g(x−2))$ when $f(x) = x^2 − 6$ and $g(x) = 3x + 4?$ A. $3x − 2$ B. $3x^2 + 12x − 6$ C. $9x^2 + 24x + 10$ D. $9x^2 − 12x + 4$ E. $9x^2 − 12x − 2$ Because $g(x)$ is nested the deepest, we must find its output before we can find $f(g(x−2))$. Instead of a number for $x$, we are given another equation. Though this may look different from earlier problems, the principle is exactly the same- replace whatever input we have for the variable in the output equation. $g(x) = 3x + 4$ $g(x−2) = 3(x−2) + 4$ $g(x−2) = 3x − 6 + 4$ $g(x−2) = 3x − 2$ So our output of $g(x−2)$ is $3x−2$. Again, this is an equation and not an integer, but it still works as an output. Now we must finish the problem by using this output of $g(x)$ as the input of $f(x)$. (Why do we do this? Because we are finding $f(g(x))$, which positions the result/output of $g(x)$ as the input of $f(x)$.) $f(x) = x^2 − 6$ $f(g(x−2)) = (3x−2)^2 − 6$ Now, we have a bit of a complication here in that we must square an equation. If you remember your exponent rules, you know you cannot simply distribute the square across the elements of the equation; you must square the entire expression. So let's take a moment to expand $(3x−2)^2$ before we find the solution for the entire equation. $(3x − 2)^2$ $(3x − 2)(3x − 2)$ $(3x*3x) + (3x*-2) + (−2*3x) + (−2*-2)$ $9x^2 − 6x − 6x + 4$ $9x^2 − 12x + 4$ Now, let us add this expanded form of the equation back into the output. $f(g(x−2)) = (9x^2 − 12x + 4) − 6$ $f(g(x−2)) = 9x^2 − 12x − 2$ So our final solution for $f(g(x−2))$ is $9x^2 − 12x − 2$. Our final answer is E, $9x^2 − 12x − 2$. Functions within functions, dreams within dreams. Make sure not to lose yourself along the way. Strategies for Solving Function Problems Now that you've seen all the different kinds of function problems in action, let's look at some tips and strategies for solving function problems of various types. For clarity, we've split these strategies into multiple sections- tips for all function problems and tips for function problems by type. So let's look at each strategy. Strategies for All Function Problems: #1: Keep careful track of all your pieces and write everything down Though it may seem obvious, in the heat of the moment it can be far too easy to confuse your negatives and positives or misplace which piece of your function (or graph or table) is your input and which is your output. Parenthesis are crucial. The creators of the SAT know how easy it is to get pieces of your function equations confused and mixed around (especially when your input is also an equation), so keep a sharp eye on all your moving pieces and don't try to do function problems in your head. #2: Use PIA and PIN as necessary As we saw in our function table problem above, it can save a good deal of effort and energy to use the strategy of plugging in answers. You can also use the technique of plugging in your own numbers to test out points on function graphs, work with any variable function equation, or work with nested functions with variables. For instance, let's look at our earlier nested function problem using PIN. (Remember- most any time a problem has variables in the answer choices, you can use PIN). What is $f(g(x−2))$ when $f(x)= x^2 − 6$ and $g(x) = 3x + 4?$ A. $3x^2 + 24x − 2$ B. $3x^2 + 12x − 6$ C. $9x^2 − 24x + 10$ D. $9x^2 − 12x + 4$ E. $9x^2 − 12x − 2$ If we remember how nested functions work (that we always work inside out), then we can plug in our own number for $x$ in the function $g(x−2)$. That way, we won't have to work with variables and can use real numbers instead. So let us say that the $x$ is the $g(x−2)$ function is 5. (Why 5? Why not!) Now $x−2$ will be $5−3$, or 3. This means $g(x−2)$ will be $g(3)$. $g(x−2) = 3x + 4$ $g(3) = 3(3) + 4$ $g(3) = 9 + 4$ $g(3) = 13$ Now, let us plug this number as the value for our $g(x−2)$ function into our nested function $f(g(x−2))$. $f(x) = x^2 − 6$ $f(g(3)) = (13)^2 − 6$ $f(g(3)) = 169 − 6$ $f(g(3)) = 163$ Finally, let us test our answer choices to see which one matches our found answer of 163. Let us, as usual when using PIA or PIN, start in the middle with answer choice C. $9x^2 − 24x + 10$ Now, we replace our $x$ value with the $x$ value we chose originally- 5. $9x^2 − 24x + 10$ $9(5)^2 − 24(5) + 10$ $9(25) − 120 + 10$ $225 − 120 + 10$ 5 Unfortunately, this number is too small. Let us try answer choice D instead. $9x^2 − 12x + 4$ $9(5)^2 − 12(5) + 4$ $9(25) − 60 + 4$ $225 − 60 + 4$ $165 + 4$ 169 This value is still too large, but we can see that it is awfully close to the final answer we want. Just by looking over our answer choices, we can see that answer choice E is exactly the same expression as answer choice D, except for the final integer value. If we were to subtract 2 from 165 instead of adding 4 (as we did with answer choice D), we would get our final answer of 163. As you can see. $9x^2 − 12x − 2$ $9(5)^2 − 12(5) − 2$ $9(25) − 60 − 2$ $225 − 60 − 2$ $165 − 2$ 163 So our final answer is E, $9x^2 − 12x − 2$. #3: Practice, practice, practice Finally, the only way to get truly comfortable with any math topic is to practice as many different kinds of questions on that topic as you can. If functions are a weak area for you, then be sure to seek out more practice questions. For Function Graphs and Tables: #1: Start by finding the $\bi y$-intercept Generally, the easiest place to begin when working with function graphs and tables is by finding the y-intercept. From there, you can often eliminate several different answer choices that do not match our graph or our equation (as we did in our earlier examples). The y-intercept is almost always the easiest piece to find, so it's always a good place to begin. #2: Test your equation against multiple ordered pairs It is always a good idea to find two or more points (ordered pairs) of your functions and test them against a potential function equation. Sometimes one ordered pair works for your graph and a second does not. You must match the equation to the graph (or the equation to the table) that works for every coordinate point/ordered pair, not just one or two. For Function Equations and Nested Equations: #1: Always work inside out Nested functions can look beastly and difficult, but take them piece by piece. Work out the equation in the center and then build outwards slowly, so as not to get any of your variables or equations mixed up. #2: Remember to FOIL It is quite common for SAT to make you square an equation. This is because many students get these types of questions wrong and distribute their exponents instead of squaring the entire expression. If you don't properly FOIL, then you will get these questions wrong. Whenever possible, try not to let yourself lose points due to these kinds of careless errors. For instance, let's say that you must square an expression. Square the expression $x + 3$. We are told to square the entire expression, so we would say: $(x + 3)^2$ Now you must FOIL this out properly. $(x + 3)(x + 3)$ $(x*x)+(3*x)+(3*x)+(3*3)$ $x^2 + 3x + 3x + 9$ $x^2 + 6x + 9$ The final expression, once you have squared $x + 3$, is: $x^2 + 6x + 9.$ (Note: It is a common error for students to distribute the square and say: $(x + 3)^2 = x^2 + 9$ but this is wrong. Do not fall into this kind of trap!) You're all leveled-up- time to fight the big boss and put knowledge to action! Test Your Knowledge Now let's put your function knowledge to the test against real SAT math problems. 1. Let the function $f$ be defined bye $f(x)=5x-2a$, where $a$ is a constant. If $f(10)+f(5)=55$, what is the value of $a$? A) -5 B) 0 C) 5 D) 10 2. A function $f$ satisfies $f(2)=3$ and $f(3)=5$. A function $g$ satisfies $g(3)=2$ and $g(5)=6$. What is the value of $f(g(3))$? A) 2 B) 3 C) 5 D) 6 3. 4. Answers: C, B, A, D Answer Explanations: 1. As you can see here, we are given our equation as well as two inputs and their combined output. We must use this knowledge to find an element of our output (in this case, the value of $a$.) So let us find our outputs for each input we are given. $f(x) = 5x − 2a$ $f(10) = 5(10) − 2a$ $f(10) = 50 − 2a$ And $f(x) = 5x − 2a$ $f(5) = 5(5) − 2a$ $f(5) = 25 − 2a$ Now, let us set the sum of our two outputs equal to 55 (as was stipulated in the question). $50 − 2a + 25 − 2a = 55$ $75 − 4a = 55$ $−4a = −20$ $a = 5$ Our final answer is C, $a=5$. 2. We're told in the question that $g(3)=2$. To find the value of $f(g(3))$, we need to substitute 2 for $g(3)$. We'll use that value in the $f(x)$ equation. Substituting 2 for $g(3)$ gives us $f(g(3))$ = $f(2)$. We're also told that $f(2)=3$, so that means 3 is the correct answer. Our final answer is B, 3. 3. As per our strategies, we will start by finding the $y$-intercept. We can see in this graph that the $y$-intercept is +2, which means we can eliminate answer choices C and E. (Why did we eliminate answer choice E? Because it had no $y$-intercept, which means that its $y$-intercept would be 0). We can see that the vertex of the graph is at $x=0$ and so it is not shifted to the right or left of the $y$-axis. This means that, in our quadratic equation $ax^2+bx+c$, our $b$ value has to be 0. If it were anything other than 0, our graph would be shifted left or right of the $y$-axis. Now answer choices B and D are squaring expressions, so let us properly FOIL them in order to see the equation properly. Answer choice B gives us: $y=(x+2)^2$ $y=(x+2)(x+2)$ $y=x^2+2x+2x+4$ $y=x^2+4x+4$ This equation would give us a parabola whose $y$-intercept was at +4 and whose vertex was positioned to the left of the $y$-axis (remember, a positive $b$ value shifts the graph to the left.) We can eliminate answer choice B. By the same token, we can also eliminate answer choice D, as it would give us: $y=(x−2)^2$ $y=(x−2)(x−2)$ $y=x^2−4x+4$ Which would give us a graph with a $y$-intercept at +4 and a vertex positioned to the right of the $y$-axis. By process of elimination, we are left with answer choice A. But, for the sake of double-checking, let us test a coordinate point on the graph against the formula. We already know that our equation matches the coordinate points of $(0, 2)$, as that is our $y$-intercept, but there are several more places on the graph that hit at even coordinates. By looking at the graph, we can see that the parabola hits the coordinates $(1, 3)$, so let us test this point by plugging our input (1) into our equation, in hopes that it will match our output of 3. $y=x^2+2$ $y=(1)^2+2$ $y=1+3$ $y=3$ Our equation matches two sets of ordered pairs on the graph. We can reasonably say that this is the correct equation for the graph. Our final solution is A, $y=x^2+2$ 4. Instead of using $x$ for our input, this problem has us use $t.$ If you become very used to using $f(x)$, this may seem disorienting, so you can always rewrite the problem using $x$ in place of $t$. In this case, we will continue to use $t$, just so that we can keep the problem organized on the page. First, let us find the $y$-intercept. The $y$-intercept is the point at which $x=0$, so we can see that we are already given this with the first set of numbers in the table. When $t=0$, $f(t) = −1$ Our $y$-intercept is therefore -1, which means that we can automatically eliminate answer choices B, C, and E. Now let's use our strategy of plugging in numbers again. Our answer choices are between A and D, so let us first test A with the second ordered pair. Our potential equation is: $f(t) = t − 1$ And our ordered pair is: $(1, 1)$ So let us put them together. $f(t) = t − 1$ $f(1) = 1 − 1$ $f(1) = 0$ This is incorrect, as it would mean that our output is 0 when our input is 1, and yet the ordered pair says that our output will be 1 when our input is 1. Answer choice A is incorrect. By process of elimination, let us try answer choice D. Our potential equation is: $f(t) = 2t − 1$ And our ordered pair is again: $(1, 1)$ So let us put them together. $f(1) = 2(1) − 1$ $f(1) = 2 − 1$ $f(1) = 1$ This matches the input and output we are given in our ordered pair. Answer choice D is correct. Our final answer is D, $f(t) = 2t − 1$ You did it! High fives all around. The Take Aways Many students have not dealt a lot with functions, but don't let these kinds of questions intimidate or confuse you when you see them on the SAT. The principles behind functions are a simple matter of input, output, and plugging in values. The test will try to muddy the waters when they can, but always remember that these questions will appear to be more complex than they truly are. Though it can be easy to make a error with your signs or variables, the actual problems are simple at their core. So pay close attention, double-check your work, and you'll soon be able to work through functions problems with little trouble. What's Next? Speaking of quadratic functions, how's your grasp of completing the square? Learn how and when to complete the square with this guide. Phew! Knowing your functions means knowing a significant portion of the SAT math section (round of applause to you!), but there are so many more topics to cover. Take a look at all the topics you'll be tested on in the SAT math section and then mosey on over to our math guides to review any topic you feel rusty on. Not feeling confident about your exponent rules? How about your understanding of polygons? Need to review your slopes? Whatever the topic, we've got you covered! Looking for help with more basic math? Refresh your memory on the distributive property, perfect squares, and how to find the mean of a set of numbers here. Think you need a math tutor? Check out our guides on how to find the tutor that best meets your needs (and your budget). Running out of time on the SAT math section? Not to worry! We have the tools and strategies to help you beat the clock and maximize your point gain. Trying for a perfect score? Check out how to push your score to its maximum potential with our guide to getting an 800 on the SAT math, written by a perfect scorer. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Math strategy guide, you'll love our program. Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ballistics and forensic science

The amount of damage a bullet has sustained upon hitting a hard surface can help determine approximately where the shooter was standing, what angle the gun was fired from, and when the gun was fired. Any residue on the bullet can be studied and compared to residue on the hand of a suspect, on the gun that was fired, or on any object that was close by when the firearm was used. This information helps researchers uncover the identity of the shooter. When the bullets are missing, the type of impact they made can lead Investigators to ascertain what kind of bullet the rimming used, and therefore the type of gun as well.Studying the markings found on a bullet or the Impact a bullet made on any surface can establish exactly which gun the criminal used. Every firearm produces a slightly different and unique pattern on the shell-casing It fires; the bullet will therefore imprint a distinct pattern upon anything It hits. Once scientists have Identified these markings they can easily match them to the appropriate firearm. There are many experts deeply Involved In this study, and they are frequently called upon to help solve crimes.Ballistics details are also commonly Input Into a large database that can be accessed by law enforcement agencies all across the country. When someone enters new data, the computer locates any relevant data from previous Investigations. This Information can lead to the discovery of the owner of a particular weapon, and assist In tracking down the guilty party who fired the gun. Ballistics and forensic science By freshmen type of impact they made can lead investigators to ascertain what kind of bullet theStudying the markings found on a bullet or the impact a bullet made on any surface different and unique pattern on the shell-casing it fires; the bullet will therefore imprint a distinct pattern upon anything it hits. Once scientists have identified these There are many experts deeply involved in this study, and they are frequently called upon to help solve crimes. Ballistics details are also commonly input into a large previous investigations.

Friday, October 18, 2019

How significant are the events of September 11th 2001 for Realist Essay

How significant are the events of September 11th 2001 for Realist assumptions Do they fundamentally undermine Realist assumptions - Essay Example Following the Cold War there was a return toward liberalism, and currently the pendulum appears to have swung back to a convoluted type of realism. Discussing these theories is much like watching a really good tennis match - there is a constant volley of back-and-forth with no end in sight. The main reason for this most recent shift back to realism is the terrorist attack against the United States on September 11, 2001. On September 11, 2001, the United States suffered an act of terrorism that transcended the attack on Pearl Harbor that led to U.S. involvement in WWII. Terrorists hijacked domestic airline flights and used the planes as the tools to destroy the World Trade Center in New York City and to damage the Pentagon. Over 3.000 people were killed, and the world was silent with shock. The ease with which the terrorists carried out this act and the unexpectedness of the event led the world’s nations to once again turn toward realism in regards to International Relations. The theories of liberalism and realism are at opposite sides of the spectrum. The late 1980s and the 1990s saw a trend toward liberalism. Proponents of liberalism stress the ideas of interdependency and cooperation among the nations (Haque, 2003). Realism, on the other hand, assumes that anarchy is the norm and each nation sees the others as a constant threat (Owen-Vandersluis, 2000). In order to survive this anarchy, nations must be self-sufficient and able to protect themselves against real or perceived threats. Nations commonly focus on military strength, making sure that they are powerful enough to prevent attacks from others. A perfect example is the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War in the 1970s and early 1980s. The end of the Cold War resulted in new attitudes on behalf of the American people. They focused on living with peace, rather than antagonism, and were confident that democracy had solved the world’s

The future status of English as the global language is assured Essay

The future status of English as the global language is assured - Essay Example As mentioned above, English is one of the fastest growing languages of world that adopts thousands of new words to embellish its vocabulary. It is this changing nature that prevents many from getting mastery over this language, which may be a real threat to its global status. Despite such a global reach, English is also susceptible to forces of language fragmentation or even disappearance altogether. Some of the linguists have observed that an increase in the democratization of governments will reduce the use of English globally. This is because it relegates the status of the political elite who are chiefly the speakers of non-native English. This downgrading of the English language has already occurred with the advent of independence in the post world war two eras in countries such as Tanzania, Philippines, Malaysia and Sri Lanka. Another notable factor concerned with English in India is that the employment of English in the business and educational fields is reducing, especially wi th the recent introduction of a key business newspaper entirely written in Hindi. Furthermore, the rapid growth in Indian higher education will lead to an influx of citizens who speak Hindi or another vernacular language thus lessening the number of citizens who can speak in English. The problem of translation the English become a vital issue in third world nations and people in these nations have often faced difficulties in translating English works in to their native language. This issue often questions the universal acceptability of English language as a Global language and it also reveal the fact that in future the status of English language as a Global language is not assured. The problem is visible in both literature and communication. Many other world languages have been receiving in third world nations without any practical problems and one can find the fact that their translation is

The defence of Roman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The defence of Roman - Essay Example Literary works by Strabo portrayed the Romans as invincible people, and regarded those from the East as less equal humans. Moreover, the geographical works of Strabo that Romans used as references are his personal opinions he puts down without research. For example, he avers that the area occupied by Arabia is found in the Gulf of Aqaba, though he is not sure of the existence of such gulf (Ball 34). As a matter of fact, the Romans’ perception of the East was a paradox of the reality on the ground. This comes to the forefront when the Romans and barbarians met on the battlefield. Crassus initiated a high-profile campaign, which portrayed Parthians as lazy and weak people. Assumptions about the Eastern people made Rome lose the war to the barbarians. Consequently, the turn of events after war, when Rome fell to states of the East, contradicts their perception. This confirms Orientalism theory (Said 26). Why Were Commagene and Armenia Important for the Defense of Roman Syria? Com magene was situated northeast of the Roman border. It was strategically located between the river Euphrates and directly adjacent to Mesopotamia and Armenia. Commagene and Armenia played a key role as war entry and exit routes for the Romans since it made the East easily accessible. Because of the geographical position of Armenia, it was critical in strategizing military operations as it enabled easy evasion of threats compared to other neighboring states such as Judea. Trajan specifically employed this as a tactic when strategizing for enemy attacks and counterattacks in the event of war. The fact that the Euphrates had bridges enabled the Roman soldiers to transit easily during war. Additionally, Commagene had cool temperatures unlike the south, which is an arid area (Edwell 67). Commagene and Armenia acted as buffer states in the sense that their strategic location enabled the Romans to watch what happened across their borders. The location of Armenia and Commagene allowed Rome t o access infantry especially from their clients, which indirectly necessitated the expansion of their army. As a buffer state, Armenia played a role equivalent to a watchtower for Rome. Rome could easily reorganize its troops and respond to attacks owing to its accessibility to the northeast and proximity to the Euphrates (Ando 65). Additionally, the people of Commagene were among the wealthiest in the client kingdom. They were of equal importance because their territory was a section of the middle course crossings of the Euphrates. The Armenians organized Cappadocia into provinces and attached Syria to Commagene. This threatened the economic stability of Rome, thus making the society vulnerable to external attacks as the loyalty of the Romanians kept altering. Armenia was also a gateway to the northern communities and their hidden treasures. With this knowledge, the Romans fought to gain control and loyalty of those communities, as they were powerful enough to earn the Romans the d esired economic might. The Romans understood that they would develop effective structures of governance and safeguard the security of their societies by gaining economic might that could consequently make the development of armies easier. Armenia was its connection with the northern states and Mesopotamia. By gaining control of Romania,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Intellectual Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intellectual Journal - Essay Example According to the prescription of prayer, any true Muslim should attend to prayers during the prescribed times five times a day. If they fail to follow this prescription, they will surely fall into disbelief. I have observed with admiration Muslims observing the daily prayers as required by the Holy Quran. However, from my understanding of God as being spirit, one of the requirements for His worship is that those who worship Him must do so in spirit. Therefore, according to my view of prayer, it is not the frequency of attendance to the Mosque that counts but rather the state of our spirit, whether it is in harmony with the spirit of God or not. As result, the strict observance of prayer in Islam, somehow conflicts with my understanding that God is everywhere and cannot be contained in a particular place or time. Although, from an ecumenical point of view, such an understanding of the obligations of prayer by Muslims will change the perspective I hold in terms of embracing them at wor k or to attend to their spiritual obligations which ensures harmonious existence in society. In her article What everyone should know about Islam and Muslims, Suzzane Haneef (156) considers Zakah as one of the most fundamental elements of prayer and worship in the Islamic faith. It refers to the acts of Muslim worship by means of his or her wealth through an obligatory form of giving to those in need. As mentioned in the above article, â€Å"Islam proclaims that the true owner of everything is not the human being but God who bestows wealth on people out of His beneficence as He sees fit † (Suzzane Haneef 59). According to this statement, contrary to the wealth perspective of non-Muslims who uphold the view that wealth is as a result of their hard work, the true believer of Muslim acknowledges that all wealth they have is from God. There a Muslim should always be filled with gratitude and be ready to offer part of their wealth to those who lack in society. First and foremost, like many non-Muslims, I certainly do not consider it a spiritual obligation to give to the poor. The Islamic obligation of Zakah is conflicting with the belief I hold, that it is fine for one to be filled with compassion towards those in need, but certainly I consider it not to be obligatory. I have always known that society is divided into social classes and it is their sole responsibility to work towards improving their condition of life. I also would consider giving Zakah as an act that may encourage tendencies of laziness in society. For example, I see poor people sitting on the entrance of Mosques waiting for worshipers to give them bread for the day (Maudoodi 54). In most cases, the worshipers do not offer a long lasting solution to the condition of the poor. As a result reading about Zakah concept in Islamic worship provokes thoughts that tend to view it as something that encourages master slave mentalities in society. My understanding of giving is that it is should come nat urally and in a spontaneous manner from the giver. If giving becomes obligatory, it will reach a time when the giver will get tired of giving. My view of giving is that one should give to a person or place or event that has inspired them. According to Suzzane Haneef’s article titled, What everyone should know about Islam and Muslims, family life is considered one of the most emphasized areas in Islam. The Islamic view of marriage, where social contact between young men and young ladies is discouraged, conflicts with my understanding that every young man and lady has a right to social contacts (Haneef 155). From my point of view I consider it important that young men and women be

Rhet 1000- internet harms social interaction Essay

Rhet 1000- internet harms social interaction - Essay Example Due to advancements in modern technology, which can overcome a wide range of obstacles related to space and time, it is possible to deduce that such technology should be used in more important ways including understanding multiples of cultures, as well as communicating effectively with other people. Use of the internet has dominated today’s global communications, which has led to a wide range of negative impacts on social interaction. Although the use of internet may have positive impacts, the level of negative impacts depends on the nature of people’s online activities and the different activities that they give up in order to spend time socializing using the internet. The use of the internet as a platform that supports social interaction encourages individuals to spend considerable time socializing through online mediums at the expense of companionship and face-to-face communications. In this sense, interaction socially could be hindered by the dominant use of the int ernet and other online social platforms. Given the dominance in the use of the internet in the contemporary world, and its subsequent domination of social interaction, several issues arise. Pertinent issues related to impacts of the internet on social interaction include isolation. Evidently, the internet creates a world in which communication occurs in a virtual environment. The internet acts as an electronic mode that drives people out of the physical world and into a virtual space. Through connections in the virtual space, communicating parties may interact without challenges as if they are in a physical world (Cavanagh 36). As a result, the quality and number of physical social relationships that people develop is subject to compromise. There is a great difference between online relations, based on social media, and physical interactions. People do not expect any more consequences from virtual relationships, apart from the communication

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The defence of Roman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The defence of Roman - Essay Example Literary works by Strabo portrayed the Romans as invincible people, and regarded those from the East as less equal humans. Moreover, the geographical works of Strabo that Romans used as references are his personal opinions he puts down without research. For example, he avers that the area occupied by Arabia is found in the Gulf of Aqaba, though he is not sure of the existence of such gulf (Ball 34). As a matter of fact, the Romans’ perception of the East was a paradox of the reality on the ground. This comes to the forefront when the Romans and barbarians met on the battlefield. Crassus initiated a high-profile campaign, which portrayed Parthians as lazy and weak people. Assumptions about the Eastern people made Rome lose the war to the barbarians. Consequently, the turn of events after war, when Rome fell to states of the East, contradicts their perception. This confirms Orientalism theory (Said 26). Why Were Commagene and Armenia Important for the Defense of Roman Syria? Com magene was situated northeast of the Roman border. It was strategically located between the river Euphrates and directly adjacent to Mesopotamia and Armenia. Commagene and Armenia played a key role as war entry and exit routes for the Romans since it made the East easily accessible. Because of the geographical position of Armenia, it was critical in strategizing military operations as it enabled easy evasion of threats compared to other neighboring states such as Judea. Trajan specifically employed this as a tactic when strategizing for enemy attacks and counterattacks in the event of war. The fact that the Euphrates had bridges enabled the Roman soldiers to transit easily during war. Additionally, Commagene had cool temperatures unlike the south, which is an arid area (Edwell 67). Commagene and Armenia acted as buffer states in the sense that their strategic location enabled the Romans to watch what happened across their borders. The location of Armenia and Commagene allowed Rome t o access infantry especially from their clients, which indirectly necessitated the expansion of their army. As a buffer state, Armenia played a role equivalent to a watchtower for Rome. Rome could easily reorganize its troops and respond to attacks owing to its accessibility to the northeast and proximity to the Euphrates (Ando 65). Additionally, the people of Commagene were among the wealthiest in the client kingdom. They were of equal importance because their territory was a section of the middle course crossings of the Euphrates. The Armenians organized Cappadocia into provinces and attached Syria to Commagene. This threatened the economic stability of Rome, thus making the society vulnerable to external attacks as the loyalty of the Romanians kept altering. Armenia was also a gateway to the northern communities and their hidden treasures. With this knowledge, the Romans fought to gain control and loyalty of those communities, as they were powerful enough to earn the Romans the d esired economic might. The Romans understood that they would develop effective structures of governance and safeguard the security of their societies by gaining economic might that could consequently make the development of armies easier. Armenia was its connection with the northern states and Mesopotamia. By gaining control of Romania,

Rhet 1000- internet harms social interaction Essay

Rhet 1000- internet harms social interaction - Essay Example Due to advancements in modern technology, which can overcome a wide range of obstacles related to space and time, it is possible to deduce that such technology should be used in more important ways including understanding multiples of cultures, as well as communicating effectively with other people. Use of the internet has dominated today’s global communications, which has led to a wide range of negative impacts on social interaction. Although the use of internet may have positive impacts, the level of negative impacts depends on the nature of people’s online activities and the different activities that they give up in order to spend time socializing using the internet. The use of the internet as a platform that supports social interaction encourages individuals to spend considerable time socializing through online mediums at the expense of companionship and face-to-face communications. In this sense, interaction socially could be hindered by the dominant use of the int ernet and other online social platforms. Given the dominance in the use of the internet in the contemporary world, and its subsequent domination of social interaction, several issues arise. Pertinent issues related to impacts of the internet on social interaction include isolation. Evidently, the internet creates a world in which communication occurs in a virtual environment. The internet acts as an electronic mode that drives people out of the physical world and into a virtual space. Through connections in the virtual space, communicating parties may interact without challenges as if they are in a physical world (Cavanagh 36). As a result, the quality and number of physical social relationships that people develop is subject to compromise. There is a great difference between online relations, based on social media, and physical interactions. People do not expect any more consequences from virtual relationships, apart from the communication

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Comparing Roman Empire and Han Dynasty Essay Example for Free

Comparing Roman Empire and Han Dynasty Essay Roman Empire and Han Dynasty had many things in common and uncommon.During their falling era they were experiencing facts which were really similar to each other therefore emphasizing on them will make the topic.And also their characterstics were similar in their way of ruling and living so also they will be included. Firstly,to talk about their characteristics we can see that they both had well organized bureaucracy the only difference was , Han’s bureaucracy was based on Confucian ideas whereas Romans’ bureaucracy was based on their own law and classic learning. Another common characteristic about them was their emphasis on family.Han Dynasty’s were patriarchial and Romans’ were pater families.They both attached importance on engineering and made great accomplishments such as, roads,cannals,the great wall by Han Dynasty and aqueducts,domes,sewage systems,central heating by the Romans. To talk about their similarities during their fall we can say that they were affected deeply by the Germanic Invasions factor which caused both of them to loose power.They were both abrogated by the same conflicts since Germans had a great military power to constantly oppose to them.They had the same problem that caused them not to be able to protect themselves.It was their monetary problem that made them defenseless to Germans. Another problem they were both facing was they problem of not electing a new ruler that will reconstruct them and unify them. They were in total decline in morals and values.Their public health was jeopardized so they needed to find a way out to the political corruption however seeing that these empires fell it means that these needs were not provided and they could not be unified which was their common problem. To conclude , we discussed their common qualities and problems from their characteristics to their fall.It was obvious that they had many things common so this was the reason why they both fell.If they had been able to find a way out to their common problem they would have remained.